openDAQ Launches Registration for Synchronisation Working Group

Nils Röttger


Some of the main challenges regarding signal processing faced by test and measurement device integrators and software providers are:

  • Alignment of timestamped data obtained from multiple devices,

  • Synchronisation of devices,

  • Working with asynchronous signals, as well as signals with varying sampling rates…

While synchronisation protocols such as PTPv2 (Precision Time Protocol Version 2) provide a framework that allows for time alignment of hardware within a PTP network, even when applied, several issues remain unsolved. Some of these include:

  • Data loss handling,

  • Resynchronization and time jumps,

  • Usage of different time standards  (UTC, TAI, GPS)…

  • Usage of different sources (PTP, GPS, clock/trigger, IRIG, NTP)

The goal of openDAQ is to provide an easy-to-use interface for continuous data acquisition of any type of data that is resilient to system errors and disruptions. The working group should collaborate and establish clear guidelines and patterns to be adopted by the openDAQ SDK that represent the said goal. The result should be broad, but simple to integrate patterns that provide users with a swiss-knife tool set encompassing all critical aspects of synchronised data acquisition.

The openDAQ API will reflect the group’s decisions, creating a framework that allows for simple device/software integration, providing best-in-class data handling for vendors that follow the established guidelines.

One explicit case may be to define the behaviour of  openDAQ servers when they lose sync to each other.

Key Objectives

  1. Reliable Integration of Diverse Devices: Ensure the seamless and synchronised integration of devices from various manufacturers into systems and software, accommodating both synchronous and asynchronous data delivery.

  2. Effective Use of Synchronisation Protocols: Utilise synchronisation protocols like PTPv2 to align hardware with different sample rates and address challenges such as data loss, time jumps, and other anomalies.

  3. Clear Guidelines and Requirements: Define specific conditions and requirements for hardware to support continuous synchronised data acquisition and outline software solutions for API usage without loss of data or critical system state information.

  4. Robust Error Handling and Reporting: Develop systems to accurately detect, report, and recover from synchronisation challenges / errors.

Deadline for Registration: 31st October 2024

The first meeting is scheduled for early November. Once the date is confirmed, you will receive an official invite with more details in a follow-up message."

How to register: Registration form

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